Innoget Stand out

Innovate Smarter, not harder. Boost your Innovation Process

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Trusted by Innovators Worldwide

Innovate Smarter, not harder. Boost your Innovation Process

Our Impact program guarantees that your conflicting ideas - inside and out - move as one. Forget stiff partnerships that straitjacket your development. Forget operating on tired resources, outdated technology, and zero support. Realign your innovation process in real time with our step-by-step strategic guidance and do innovation differently with AI.

AI Innovation Management

Are you searching for an AI tool that maximizes your ability to innovate? Want to give your ideas a longer shelf life? Keep reading. Our program will see you assess the crowded AI market, identify a match, and enhance your innovation method for greater impact.
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Open Innovation Accelerator

Do you feel limited by the rhythm of idea generation within your organization? Tired of getting roadblocks with your team while trying to reach your goals? Our Open Innovation Accelerator suits organizations missing the mark with their programs and who desire to create adopt an Innovation Culture mindset. Sign your team up to design a successful Open Innovation model, including a pitch masterclass, a program-design workshop, a tailored OI playbook, and more.
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What You'll Get


Laser-Focused Clarity


Set the stage


Global Launchpad

Gain Clarity

Reconnect to your ultimate core OI needs
Identify real-world challenges
Scan the market for trustworthy AI
Target the best Artificial Intelligence tools

Innovation-Friendly Culture

Map out your chosen innovation needs
Establish a robust legal framework
Define your desired outcome
Rethink. Redesign. Rescale.

Launch & monitor

Get the right tools
Invite Human Intervention
Cultivate Innovation Culture
Launch and Go Live

"We have used Innoget to both post technical challenges as well as respond to Technology Calls for potential out-licensing our IP in non-competitive industries."

Austin Kozman
R&D Director

"The open innovation culture at Beiersdorf is based on the four core values of our overall company culture: simplicity, care, courage and trust. We post briefings on Innoget because it's easy to use and the low inhibition level for asking and aswering questions."

Heiner Gers-Barlag
Team Leader Product and Packaging
Beiersdorf AG

"We have found that the connecting of academic and industry partners to pair problem and solution, opportunity and need, has been one of the most valued parts of what we can offer our partners. This new platform will allow you to seamlessly share opportunities and make direct connections with other partners in a fast and secure environment."

Mark Richarson
Chief Executive Officer
National Biofilms Innovation Center

"Innoget helps us to keep exploring. It's about commitment, about an experimental philosophy, and keep accelerating innovation to keep the firm in a competitive position in the market."

Javier Tenorio
Open Innovation & IP

"Innoget helps us to draw attention to our innovation challenges, attracting external parties to share their innovative solutions."

Peter Navarro
Global Open Innovation Manager

"Innoget services provides us with access to a valuable and mixed network of potential partners. The robust platform, good customer support and reasonable price, makes Innoget a reliable player for anyone working in open innovation."

Manuel Silva
Open Innovation Manager

"Innoget allows my team to engage in a speedy, simple and effective manner with the world's inventors. The interface is simple and does not require a large investment in training or resources upfront."

Patrick Lesueur
Group R&D Director

¨Since partnering with Innoget, our Open Innovation practices are more focused and integral to our global strategy, supported by their personalized and dedicated service.¨

Navid Ardakanian
Global Innovation Manager
SHV Energy

Why Choose Us

Our Stand Out services build unbreakable foundations within organizations like yours for long-lasting and profitable potential
challenges. Easily activate your contests with all-around project management, energize your OI Programs with continuous
learning, and lead via a strategy designed to accelerate innovation.
Explore Your Options
Open Innovation development

Open Innovation: Enablers of Corporate Renewal and Growth

As Innoget we have been involved in all this processes and followed OI Journey since the very beginning of this century. We are the most qualified experts on the market.
Companies operated within limiting boundaries and external collaboration was off-limits. Raw ideas had nowhere to grow.
The Open Innovation concept emerged after being catalyzed by Henry Chesbrough's pioneering work.
External ecosystems and collaborative communities began to thrive outside corporations.
Trust and collaboration among companies surged and Open Innovation practices were born.
Innovation in AI is the latest breakthrough. Now AI and machine learning are shaping the future of Open Innovation, fostering greater accessibility and knowledge exchange with real-time data.

Ready to learn the truth about your creative potential?

Try our self-assessment tool and decide if OI is the right path for your organization. Choose a response that mirrors your truest values. Be honest for the best results.
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Solutions That We Swear By

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Identify breakthrough solutions via Active Scouting and Active Crowdsourcing. Strapped for time? Opt-in for Challenge Masters and we'll tackle the open innovation process for you.