Privacy Policy


Innovawin 2.006, S.L. (hereinafter Innoget), with offices at C/ Avellaneda, 47, Sabadell 08201, Barcelona (Spain), C.I.F. (Fiscal Identification Code) ESB64205032, and with email address Innoget has been registered in the Barcelona Mercantile Registry in Volume 38,580, Folio 88, Page 327,448, 1st registration.

Hereby informs the user how we deal with their personal information.


This personal information shall be processed solely to respond and deal, according to the rules and regulations currently governing the Protection of Personal Data and Information Society Services, for the purpose of:

The legal basis for the processing is the user consent. You are requested, for this purpose, to give your consent to this privacy policy and accept these General Conditions. Failure to accept this privacy policy will imply that the services rendered and website contents offered by Innoget shall not be made available and that the system subscription process shall be interrupted. 


The user must complete all required fields form with truthful, complete and up-to-date information, except for details where completion is indicated as optional, for being strictly required by Innoget in order to be capable of complying with the before named purposes. Otherwise, Innoget does not deal with your request. Users guarantee that the personal information given to Innoget is true and is responsible for notifying any modification or change. 


Innoget informs the Users that by using the services will be proceeded by automated decision-making, including profiling. The aim of this treatment is the adequacy of the listed purposes named here before.


Innoget reserves the right to amend this policy in order to adapt it to new regulations or case laws and industrial and/or commercial practice.

If Innoget decides to change its Privacy Policy, it will post those changes on this page. This policy was last modified on April, 20th, 2018.

Under all circumstances, users must read and expressly accept to consent the data treatment referred by this Privacy Policy, before using the services.

Innoget has adopted the Data protection security measures legally required and strives to install additional technical measures and means within its scope to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access to and theft of the personal details provided. Innoget agrees to use all of the information sent by registered users with the utmost confidentiality and resilience.

Innoget will store the personal data until the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or when the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based. Hence, shall not be applied, and the personal data will keep stored when that processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.


Innoget guarantees that under no circumstances shall it notify, or transfer said details to third parties, except where expressly authorized by the users. The data could be communicated to the following third-party recipients: Public Administrations for compliance with legal obligations. They can also communicate to the following categories of recipients: Suppliers of electronic communications services, hosting, SaaS services such as CRM/ERP, management, accounting, auditing and lawyers. Innoget could transfer personal data to recipients located in third countries and with which the Standard Contractual Clauses on data protection adopted by the European Commission (Commission Decision (EU) 2010/87 / EU) have been formalized.


Users are, at any time, entitled to exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and object, by contacting Innoget and sending written notification to, attaching a copy of their National Identity Document or another equivalent identity document. The users have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The users have, as well, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


By using the services, you consent to the use of cookies by this Cookies Policy. You will have seen a pop up to this effect on the first visit to this website (with the following: In this website we use third-party cookies to improve our services by analyzing the user’s browsing actions. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept their use. For this privacy and cookies policy, “continue browsing” means clicking on any button or link to the web page, downloading any content from it or scrolling.); although it will not usually appear on subsequent visits; you may withdraw your consent at any time by following the instructions below.


Innoget uses information obtained about you from cookies or similar technology. Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which Innoget downloads onto your computer or device when you visit the website ( Innoget recognizes these cookies on subsequent visits because they allow Innoget to remembers you.

Cookies come in many forms, we have set out the main types below:

FIRST AND THIRD-PARTIES COOKIES: whether a cookie is first-party or third-party refers to the domain placing the cookie. First-party cookies are those set by a website that is being visited by the user. Third-Party cookies are cookies that are set by a domain other than that of the website being visited by the user. If a user visits a website and another entity sets a cookie through that website, this would be a third-party cookie.

If you go to a web page that contains embedded content, you will be sent cookies from these websites. Innoget does not control the setting of these cookies, so please check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.

PERSISTENT COOKIES: these cookies remain on a user's device for the period specified in the cookie. They have activated each time that the user visits the website that created that cookie.

SESSION COOKIES: these cookies allow website operators to link the actions of a user during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and finishes when they close the browser window. Session cookies are created temporarily. Once you close the browser, all session cookies are automatically deleted.


If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer or device, please refer to the instructions for your file management software to locate the file or directory that stores cookies.

If you do not agree to the use of these cookies, please disable them by referring to your browser manufacturer’s instructions by clicking “Help” in your browser menu. Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our website.

After your initial visit to the website, we may change the cookies that Innoget uses. This cookies policy will always allow you to know who is placing cookies, for what purpose and give you the means to disable them so you should check it from time to time.


Cookies fall into one or more of the categories set out below. The website uses cookies that fall into all the categories set out below:


Please note that this cookies policy does not apply to, and Innoget is not responsible for, the privacy practices of third party websites which may be linked to this website.